Fairy images created on the whimsical fairy tales, like those of Thumbelina, make for an appealing caricature of sheer innocence and beauty. This aura of purity associated with such fairy tattoos is what makes them particularly popular among girls.
But innocence and beauty is definitely not the end all and be all when it comes to fairy tats. Fairy tattoo ideas are seen to be getting more mischievous by the day, and fables are replete with instances of fairies indulging in mischief and playing pranks, some even being more evil than the rest. There are many girls out there who find great charm and appeal in the naughty, and sometimes sinister, quality attached to such fairy tat designs.
Fairies are also seen as the bearers of the natural spirit, and as an incarnate of Mother Nature herself. So it is not surprising to find several fairy tattoo designs that show fairies along with flowers, vines, leaves, etc.
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