Mehndi is a shrub like plant from the Middle Eastern countries is used for henna tattoo and in various henna tattoo design. It is more known as "Henna" and the art of henna tattooing has been an ancient tradition to the Middle Eastern culture. In places like India, Pakistan, Sudan and Egypt it has been a tradition and now a fashion throughout.

The henna or mehndi leaves are used in body painting or what we call as henna tattoo or temporary tattoo. People nowadays prefer to use it because it is cheaper, simpler and you can even make one and apply them your own. The henna leaves are ground and powdered and turned into paste then, applied in different body parts such as; hands, legs, feet, arms, ankles, neck, back, belly and even in toe and fingernails and in other parts of the body where you would prefer to have them.

Because henna tattoo has become a fashion, many suppliers now made henna in variety of colors but, studies showed that it is not safe. When other colors, chemicals or substances are added to henna to alter its color, there is some sort of chemical reactions that causes skin irritations which can be mild to severe in cases. Therefore, it is advisable to use henna in its pure and uncolored form.
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